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The ultimate collage maker

Tech Stack

  • Laravel
  • Vue
  • TailwindCSS
  • Interia JS

My Contribution

  • Founder
  • Visual System Design
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Project Management
  • Interface Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Service Design


Moodzer is an image collage application that allows users to create a mood board that they can use to convey the visual aesthetic of a project. Users also create vision boards to help them plan their weddings, fashions, landscapes, and other visually creative projects or ideas. 

Moodzer works by allowing users to upload images from their personal devices or the web onto a tiled board, where they can arrange, recolor, and modify photos. The application also supports color blocks and an eye-dropper tool, allowing people to extract a color palette from their image collage.

Collage of images in a grid

The Board

Boards are divided into tiles that can display either images or color blocks.

  • Easy drag-and-drop image uploader
  • Move, scale, and span units across multiple columns and rows
  • Control gutter size and color
Image of Moodzer Edit Board Interface

Image Uploader

Users can upload several images to their mood or vision boards to help convey an idea or
visually describe a project.

  • Users can upload single or multiple images in one pass
  • The uploader will automatically generate a board grid based on the number of images uploaded

Image of Moodzer Upload

Image Editing

Users can easily change the look of a board by moving tiles, changing the gutters, and editing their images.

  • Image editing built-in
  • Change the hue, saturation, and brightness
  • Add typography on top of images
  • Move and crop images to emphasize some and downplay others

Image of Moodzer Board edit interface

Board Exports

Moodzer supports exporting boards as sharable image files.

  • Easily export your board
  • Export as JPG, PDF, or PNG

Image of Board expore

You can make a polished board in less than a minute!


Mood and vision boards are personal; Moodzer supports private boards by default.

  • View all your boards in one place
  • Instantly search for your collection
  • Quickly delete or duplicate a board
Image of multiple boards

Design Gutters

Users can specify the gutter sizes used to separate image and color tiles.

  • Change thickness of gutters
  • Change the color of gutters

Image of Moodzer Gutters