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It’s full service around here

As a five-time SaaS founder, I’ve worn many hats and loved every minute of it. I’m all about making products accessible, optimizing solutions, and getting real results. I turn those crazy ideas into market-leading hits with a clear vision and a good laugh along the way. I'm empathetic to users' needs and straightforward in communication, ensuring a no-nonsense approach to the products I lead.

Trevor Greenleaf

Pixels to products - my skillset

Frameworks, Services, & Languages

  • Algolia
  • Amazon Web Services
  • FilamentPHP
  • Firebase
  • Forge
  • FlareApp
  • GIT
  • Google Maps API
  • Google Transcribe
  • HotJar
  • HTML & CSS
  • Inertia.js
  • JavaScript
  • Laravel
  • Mailgun
  • Mailtrap
  • Node
  • PHP
  • Pinterest API
  • SASS
  • Shell
  • Stripe
  • Twitter API
  • Uploadcare
  • Vue
  • Webflow
  • WordPress


  • Application Design
  • Art Direction
  • Brand Identity
  • Concept Development
  • Information Architecture
  • Photography
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive Design
  • User Experience (UX)
  • User Interface (UI)
  • User Stories
  • Wireframing


  • Agile Methodology
  • Budget/Finance
  • Client/Designer Workflow
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Team Management

My core beliefs - no fluff, just the good stuff


However you find something, leave it better than you found it, whether fixing code or picking up trash.


Even if you're an expert, approach every challenge with an open mind.


Embrace failures quickly to enjoy successes sooner.


Every interaction, active or passive, is an experience to understand and analyze.


Anticipate needs or problems before they arise. Today's issue may mask a future, unknown problem.


Learning new skills can be intimidating, but tackling them fearlessly accelerates growth.