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A platform to showcase, track, and succeed

Tech Stack

  • Laravel
  • Vue
  • Inertia
  • TailwindCSS
  • Nova

My Contribution

  • Interface Design
  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Database Architecture
  • System Design

Summary is a service where every ArtCenter student can have a self-managed portfolio of the work they create each term. The process of curating a portfolio at the end of each term allows the students to fine-tune their presentation, becoming gradually more proficient at the curation process. 

Student work is also connected to courses, allowing users to view the creative work associated with each class — this is a feature that will continue to grow as more students use the platform. Lastly, includes a faculty directory and profile system that links courses the instructors led while also letting faculty upload their content and biographies.

Big orange cirlce and the word me

Student Directory

The searchable student directory is sortable by area, ex. Visual Interaction, Graphic Design, Art, and more.

  • Quickly browse the portfolios of each student in the program
  • Students choose a profile image that best represents them
  • Instant search and filtering
  •  Users can find students studying the same area as them 

Student Directory

Student Portfolio offers a student-managed and curated portfolio system.

  •  Students can showcase their latest projects
  • Share their social network accounts
  • Add a “Me in a Minute” video and a short written biography
  • View work in an easy-to-browse gallery 
Example Portfolio

Course Showcase

The course showcase lets users view portfolio pieces relative to the courses that inspired them.

  • Examples of student work sortable by class
  • A list of all courses that are currently running, with related artwork
  • A workload-weight meter 

Faculty Profiles

Faculty profiles display biographies, content uploads, personal portfolios, course syllabi, and courses taught.

  •  Get to know your faculty
  • See what work they do professionally
  • Check to see when they are available 
Image of Faculty Profiles

Area/Track Overview

Each area includes a homepage where users can view information on the faculty, area events, and related courses.

  • Students can view a summary of the area 
  • Learn who the area director is and link directly to their profile 
  • Check out the area learning outcomes 
  • Explore courses that fall under that area or track 
  • See faculty that teach classes in that area and view their profile 
  • Check out famous alumni who have graduated from that program 
Imags of Area Homepage

Student Review System

A built-in course student review system lets faculty do their reviews entirely online. Each program has its own review form tailored to its needs.

  • Student work is evaluated against program learning outcomes 
  • Reviews are connected to student profiles 
  • All faculty reviews are visible in one spot 
Image of Course Evaluation System

Availability Calendar

A faculty availability calendar is visible to both colleagues and students.

  • View what time slots faculty have open to teach 
  • Provide a super easy interface for faculty to keep their schedule up to date
Image of Availability Calendar